lab01 : C++ class review, TDD review

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lab01 true C++ class review, TDD review


By the time you have finished this lab, you should have demonstrated your ability to use a simple test-driven development framework (familar from last week’s lab, and possibly from CS16 labs) to write the methods of a simple C++ class with getters.

This C++ class will be used as the basis of next week’s lab where we will work with both insertion sort and selection sort.

Step by Step

Step 0: Getting Started

Decide if you are working solo, or in a pair. Pair programming is OPTIONAL for this lab.

If working in a pair, register your pair on submit.cs.

Create a ~/cs32/lab01 directory and make it your current directory.

Step 1: Copying some programs from my directory

Visit the following web link—you may want to use “right click” (or “control-click” on Mac) to bring up a window where you can open this in a new window or tab:

You should see a listing of several C++ programs. We are going to copy those into your~/cmptgcs 1a/lab01 directory all at once with the following command:

cp ~aduncan/public_html/cs32/s17/labs/lab01/* ~/cmptgcs 1a/lab01

Note: If you get the error message:

cp: target ‘/cs/student/youruserid/cmptgcs 1a/lab01’ is not a directory

then it probably means you didn’t create a ~/cmptgcs 1a/lab01 directory yet. So do that first.

The * symbol in this command is a “wildcard”—it means that we want all of the files from the source directory copy be copied into the destination directory namely ~/cmptgcs 1a/lab01.

After doing this command, if you cd into ~/cmptgcs 1a/lab01 and use the ls command, you should see several files in your ~/cmptgcs 1a/lab01 directory—the same ones that you see if you visit the link

If so, you are ready to move on to the next step.

If you don’t see those files, go back through the instructions and make sure you didn’t miss a step. If you still have trouble, ask your TA for assistance.

Step 2: Understanding the Starting Point Code

Step 2a: Understanding the Makefile

In this week’s Makefile, you’ll see a few things:

CXXFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-private-field

# Change to this before final submission:
# CXXFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Werror

These are the “flags” used when compiling. The -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-private-field flags are used here because we are doing “test-driven development”, and you are starting with “stub code”.

Stub code is code that is the minimal amount of code needed to both (a) compile and (b) definitely fail all of the tests. It makes sure that your tests report failure when the code is definitely broken. It is a way of “testing the tests”.

In stub code, you sometimes have unused parameters, and unused data members (a.k.a. private fields). We want the compiler to shut up already about those, because we expect that.

Before you turn in your code though, you want to change up the compiler flags to say: if there is ANY PROBLEM AT ALL, tell me about it. Treat warnings as hard errors that prevent compilation. We WILL BE DOING THAT when we check your code on the submit.cs system. So, be sure to change this flag as indicated in the comments before you make your final submission.


BINARIES=testStudent1 testStudent2 testStudent3

This is a variable that contains a list of the three test programs that we are running this week to test your code. Note that the variable BINARIES is used in several places in the Makefile:

There are other things in the Makefile to learn about that have been mentioned in lecture, such as the $^ syntax, and the $@ syntax. Notice all of these things, and figure out how this Makefile works.

Step 2b: Understanding the Student class: Student.h and Student.cpp

Then, look over the Student.h and Student.cpp files.

You’ll see that the Student.h file contains the specification of a simple C++ class to represent a Student. We will be using this class in a future lab as the basis of a Roster of students, and we’ll be working with various sorting and hashing algorithms on this Student class.

For this week’s lab though, we just want to focus on simple test-driven development of the constructor, getters and a toString function.

The only file this week where you will be making changes is Student.cpp

Step 2c: Understanding the tests: testStudent*.cpp and tddFuncs.*

What you should do next is to look through the test cases in testStudent1.cpp, testStudent2.cpp and testStudent3.cpp. These files use a simple test-driven development framework defined in tddFuncs.h and tddFuncs.cpp.

Look over these files and understand how they work. Then, type make tests to compile and run all of the tests.

You can also type, for example, make testStudent1 and ./testStudent1 to make and run these tests one at a time.

When you are ready, start editing Student.cpp, replacing the stubs for the constructor first, and then each of the stubs for the other functions.

Tip: A special note about the toString function

Note that in the case of the toString function, a correct implementation is already provided, but commented out.

This example can be used as the basis for writing similar toString functions in future labs. This is the only time we will provide an example of this technique, so please study it well, and if you have questions about it, please ask.

Step 3:Make all the test cases pass

Make the test cases pass by replacing the stubs in Student.cpp with working code. This is the only file you should need to change.

Step 4: Checking your work before submitting

When you are finished, you should be able to type make clean and then make tests and see the following output:

-bash-4.2$ make tests
clang++ -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-private-field   -c -o testStudent1.o testStudent1.cpp
clang++ -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-private-field   -c -o Student.o Student.cpp
clang++ -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-private-field   -c -o tddFuncs.o tddFuncs.cpp
clang++ testStudent1.o Student.o tddFuncs.o -o testStudent1
clang++ -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-private-field   -c -o testStudent2.o testStudent2.cpp
clang++ testStudent2.o Student.o tddFuncs.o -o testStudent2
clang++ -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-private-field   -c -o testStudent3.o testStudent3.cpp
clang++ testStudent3.o Student.o tddFuncs.o -o testStudent3
Testing class Student...
PASSED: s1.getPerm()
Testing class Student...
PASSED: s1.getLastName()
PASSED: s1.getFirstAndMiddleNames()
Testing class Student...
PASSED: s1.getFullName()
PASSED: s1.toString()

At that point, you are ready to try submitting on the submit.cs system.

Step 5: Submitting via submit.cs

The command to submit this weeks lab is this one:

Here is the command to submit this week’s labs:

~submit/submit -p 702 Student.cpp

Grading Rubric

(150 pts) assigned from submit.cs autograding as shown here. The “secret tests” are ones where the “expected output” is not shown. This prevents you from, for example, just “hard coding” 1234567 as the perm that is always returned by getPerm().

Passed Tests

Test GroupTest NameValue










