CMPTGCS 1A, Fall 2017


lecture Jumpstart: ECI account, github account, submit.cs account and lab work
lecture Overview of the territory
lecture Basics of C++ classes, memory, param passing, pointers
lecture Richert: More on Pointers
lecture Phill: Make, Makefiles, compiling/linking/running in C/C++, and build managers in general (e.g. Ant, Maven, Gradle, etc.)

F16 Lectures:

lecture Thu 09/29 submit.cs and tool chain for C/C++ (git/github, compilers, editors, make, debugger)
lecture Mon 10/02 First Lecture
lecture Wed 10/04 Tool chain for C/C++ (git/github, compilers, editors, make, debugger)
lecture Tue 11/08 Java tools: Ant, Maven; Design Patterns; Parsing
lecture Thu 11/10 Things people want to know more about
lecture Tue 11/22 More stuff


num ready? description submit.cs link

CS16 Labs:

num ready? description submit.cs link
lab00 true basics of working with CSIL Unix account, C++ and submit.cs
lab01 true for loops, if/else, reading from files, more Unix
lab02 true argc, argv, functions
lab03 true more on argc/argv, atoi, fencepost problems, submit.cs
lab04 true if/else, nested for loop and if/else logic, ASCII art, tdd
lab05 true arrays (min, max, sum, count), separate compilation (.h, .cpp), using a Makefile
lab06 true simple structs
lab07 true arrays of structs, reading from csv files
lab08 true linked lists based on structs

CS24 Labs:

num ready? description submit.cs link
lab00 true Getting started with C++ functions and github's web interface
lab01 true Define implement and apply a C++ class
lab02 true Using g++, make and gdb
lab03 true Converting a class to use a dynamic array
lab04 true Implementing a linked list
lab05 true Linked lists contd
lab06 true Stacks, and evaluating expressions
lab07 true Recursion
lab08 true Binary Search Tree
lab09 true Mentor evaluations and wrap up

CS32 Labs:

num ready? description submit.cs link
lab00 true Review of C++ basics, Makefiles, submit.cs
lab01 true C++ class review, TDD review
lab02 true Selection Sort
lab03 true Debugging tools: gdb and valgrind
lab04 true C++ Big-Three Review
lab05 true Hash Table part 1
lab06 true Hash Table part 2
lab07 true word counting, using a data structure of your own choice
lab08 true Continuation of lab07: memory leak detection
lab09 true Tf-Idf analysis of Reddit Posts, Using C++ code to access JSON
lab10 true Respond to code review of lab06, and additional tests; must complete lab06, notify instructor and give a week for code review to take place.

CS56 Labs:

num ready? description submit.cs link


num ready? description exam date