lab06 : Hash Table part 2

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lab06 true Hash Table part 2

THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL LAB. Pair programming is not permitted.

Each individual must submit their own individual submission.

Step 0: What up?

This is a continuation of the previous lab. You will add the “Big Three” member functions (copy constructor, assigment operator, and destructor) to your Table class. You will need a slightly revised Entry class, which counts the number of Entry objects that are created and destroyed, so we can test your destructor.

Step 1: Get the lab06 starter code into your repository directory

In this step, we are going to copy the lab06 starter files from the instructors directory into your ~/cs32/lab06 directory.

The files are in the instructors directory at


and also accessible via the URL

You want to copy these files into your ~/cs32/lab06 directory.

Step 2: Update your Table’s header file

Step 3: Update your Tables implementation file

Step 4: Testing

Compile and test your program at CSIL (by connecting remotely is okay). Create your own testing program(s) to do so. After you think that all parts are working properly, you should verify that your implementation compiles and executes correctly with the demonstration program from the previous lab.

Step 5: Submit your work

You will turn in both table.h and table.cpp.

From our class page at, click the “Make Submission” button next to h06, or use the following command from a CS terminal:

~submit/submit -p 751 table.cpp table.h

Be sure to wait for the results of all tests. If you score 100/100, and you’ve followed all of the other rules, then you’ll earn full credit.